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Terms & Conditions

1. General Provisions.

1.1. The following Regulations for the Sale and Purchase of Goods (hereinafter – the Regulations) shall be a binding legal document on the Parties, which sets out the rights, obligations and liability of the Buyer and the Seller in the course of the Buyer making a purchase on the online shop.
1.2. The Seller shall reserve the right to change, amend or supplement the regulations at any time taking into consideration the requirements set forth by the legislation. The Buyer shall be notified on the online shop's website. The Regulations effective at the time of placing an order shall apply to the Buyer making a purchase on the online shop.
1.3. The following shall be entitled to make purchases on the online shop:
      1.3.1. natural persons with full legal capacity, i.e. persons at the age of majority whose capacity has not been limited through judicial proceedings;
      1.3.2. minors between 14 and 18 years old only with a consent of their parents or guardians save for the cases where they dispose of their income independently;
      1.3.3. legal persons;
      1.3.4. authorised representatives of all of the afore-mentioned persons.
1.4. By approving the following regulations, the Seller shall also warrant that, under paragraph 1.3. of the regulations, the Buyer shall be entitled to purchase goods on the online shop.
1.5. The Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller shall be considered concluded as of the moment when the Buyer, having added items to a shopping basket, provided their delivery address, chosen a payment method and familiarised with the Seller's regulations, has clicked the "Confirm Order" button (see paragraph 5 "Order, Prices, and Payment Procedure and Terms").
1.6. Every single agreement concluded between the Buyer and the Seller shall be stored on the online shop.


2. Protection of Personal Data.
2.1. The Buyer may order goods on the online shop:
      2.1.1. by registering on the online shop, i.e. entering the requested details at the registration;
      2.1.2. without registering on the online shop.
2.2. When ordering goods in either way referred to in paragraph 2.1. of the regulations, the Buyer shall specify, in the information fields provided by the Seller, the Buyer's personal data necessary for having the order fulfilled in a proper manner: name, surname, delivery address for the goods, telephone number and an email address.
2.3. By accepting the following regulations, the Buyer consents to the Buyer's personal data referred to in paragraph 2.2. being processed for the purposes of having the goods and services sold on the online shop, the Seller's business insight as well as direct marketing.
2.4. By consenting to the Buyer's personal data being processed for the purpose of having the goods and services sold on the Seller's online shop, the Buyer shall also consent to information messages necessary for having the goods order fulfilled being sent to the email address and the telephone number provided by the Buyer.
2.5. By registering on the online shop and ordering goods, the Buyer shall undertake to protect and abstain from disclosing any login details.

3. Buyer's Rights and Obligations.
3.1. The Buyer shall be entitled to purchase goods on the online shop following the procedure set forth in the present Regulations as well as other information sections on the online shop.
3.2. The Buyer shall be entitled cancel the Sale and Purchase Agreement of the Goods with the online shop by notifying the Seller thereof in writing (by email specifying the item to be returned and the order number) not later than within 14 (fourteen) working days from the delivery date.
3.3. The Buyer may exercise the right referred to in paragraph 3.2. of the Regulations only if the item has not been damaged or its appearance has not changed significantly, also provided it has not been used.
3.4. The Buyer shall undertake to accept the ordered goods and pay the agreed price for them.
3.5. Should any details provided in the Buyer's registration form change, the Buyer must update them without delay.
3.6. The Buyer shall undertake not to share their login details with any third parties. If the Buyer has lost their login details, they shall notify the Seller thereof without delay using the means of contact provided in the Contacts section.
3.7. By using the online shop, the Buyer consents to the following Regulations for the Sale and Purchase and shall undertake to abide by them and respect the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.


4. Seller's Rights and Obligations.
4.1. The Seller shall undertake to facilitate the Buyer using the services of the online shop in a due manner.
4.2. Provided the Buyer tries to undermine the stability or security of the operations of the Seller's online shop or is in breach of their undertakings, the Seller shall be entitled limit or suspend, without delay and without any notification whatsoever, the Buyer's ability to use the online shop or, in exceptional cases, cancel the Buyer's registration.
4.3. The Seller shall undertake to respect the Buyer's privacy right to the Buyer's personal data provided in the registration form on the online shop.
4.4. The Seller shall undertake to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the address provided by the Buyer.


5. Order, Prices, and Payment Procedure and Terms.
5.1. The Buyer may make purchases on the online shop 24/7.
5.2. The Agreement shall come into effect as of the moment when the Buyer has clicked the "Confirm Order" button, whereas the Seller, upon receiving the order, has approved it, i.e. has sent a confirmation email at the email address provided by the Buyer.
5.3. The prices of the items shall be stated in euros, inclusive of VAT, on the online shop as well as in the generated order.
5.4. The Buyer shall make payments for the goods in one of the following methods:
     5.4.1. Payment via online banking shall mean a pre-payment using the Buyer's online banking system. The Buyer shall remit the monies to the online shop's current account. In such a case, the responsibility for data protection shall be borne by a respective bank because all cash transactions are effected on a bank's online banking system.
     5.4.2. Payment by bank transfer shall mean a pre-payment where the Buyer, having printed the order and gone to the nearest bank branch, has remitted the monies to the online shop's bank account.
5.5. The Buyer shall undertake to make the payment for the goods without delay. The generation of the goods consignment shall be launched and the delivery term shall start ticking only following the receipt of the payment for the goods.


6. Delivery of Goods.
6.1. Having opted for the delivery service at the time of the order, the Buyer shall undertake to specify the exact delivery location.
6.2. The Buyer shall undertake to accept the goods in person. In the event where the Buyer is unable to accept the goods in person and the goods have been delivered to the address provided, the Buyer shall not be entitled to make claims against the Seller in connection with the goods being delivered to a wrong person.
6.3. The goods shall be delivered by the Seller or a Seller's authorised representative (a courier).
6.4. The Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer in line with the terms specified in the descriptions of the items. The above terms shall be tentative; in addition, they shall not apply in the events when the required goods are out of stock and the Buyer has been notified of the items being out of stock. Likewise, the Buyer agrees that in exceptional cases the supply of goods may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances out of the Seller's control. In such event, the Seller shall undertake to contact the Buyer without delay and agree on the terms and conditions for the supply of goods.
6.5. In all and any cases, the Seller shall be excused from its liability for any breach of the supply terms in connection with the goods provided the goods have not been supplied to the Buyer or the supply thereof has been delayed due to the Buyer's fault or due to any circumstances out of the Seller's control.
6.6. In all cases, the Buyer shall notify the seller without delay provided the consignment has been supplied in a battered or otherwise damaged packaging or the consignment contains any goods that have not been ordered or contains an incorrect quantity thereof or has an incomplete set of items.
6.7. In all cases, upon discovering any damages to the packaging at the time of delivery, the Buyer must provide comments in the delivery note supplied by the courier or draw up a separate deed in connection with the above damages. The Buyer must do this in front of the courier. Should the above acts not be carried out, the Seller shall be excused from its liability against the Buyer in connection with any damages to the goods pertinent to the damage of packing that the Buyer had not noted in the courier's delivery note.


7. Quality of Goods and Warranties.
7.1. General details of every item sold on the online shop shall be provided in the description next to every individual item.
7.2. The Seller shall not be liable for the colour, shape and other parameters of items on the online shop not matching the actual size, shape and colour of the items resulting from the characteristics of the monitor used by the Buyer.


8. Returns and Replacement of Goods.
8.1. Any defects of the items sold shall be rectified, any poor quality items shall be replaced and returned pursuant to the Regulations for Returns and Replacement of Items as approved by Order No 217 of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania of 29 June 2001 Approving the Regulations for Returns and Replacement of Items, save for the cases the contract cannot be cancelled under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania (e.g. where the agreement concluded pertains to the sale of hygiene products or bedding; see information on the website of Public Enterprise "Vartotojų centras" (English: Consumer Centre) at, paragraph 18 of the Peculiarities for Returns and Replacement of Non-Food Items.). In all cases any monies for the returned items shall only be transferred to the payer's bank account.
8.2. To return an item/items pursuant to paragraph 8.1. of the Regulations, the Buyer may do so within 14 (fourteen) working days from the day the goods were delivered to the Buyer by notifying the Seller using the means of contact provided in the contacts section and stating the name of the item to be returned, the order number and the reason for returns.
8.3. In the event where a wrong item and/or a poor quality item is returned, the Seller shall undertake to collect any such goods and replace them with suitable items of equal standing.
8.4. In the even where the Seller does not have any items suitable for replacement in stock, the Buyer shall receive a refund of any monies paid, excluding the delivery cost.

9. Buyer's and Seller's Liability.
9.1. The Buyer shall bear full responsibility for the personal data provided by the Buyer being correct. If the Buyer fails to provide accurate personal data in the registration form, the Seller shall not be liable for any consequences arising in connection therewith and shall acquire the right to claim the compensation of direct damages from the Buyer.
9.2. The Buyer shall be liable for any acts when using the online shop.
9.3. A registered Buyer shall be liable for sharing their login details with third parties. If a third party uses, having logged onto the online shop using the Buyer's login details, the services provided on the online shop, the Seller shall consider the above person to be the Buyer.
9.4. The Seller shall be excused from all and any liability in the cases where the damages have been caused by the Buyer’s failure, disregarding the Seller's guidelines and the Buyer's undertakings, to familiarise with the present Regulations despite having such an opportunity provided.
9.5. Provided the Seller's online shop contains links to any websites owned by other companies, bodies, organisations or persons, the Seller shall not be liable for any information present there or for any activities thereof; it does not maintain or manage any such websites and does not represent any of such companies and persons.
9.6. In the event of any damage, the guilty Party shall compensate the other Party for their direct damages.


10. Marketing and Information.
10.1. The Seller may launch, at its own discretion, a variety of promotions on the online shop.
10.2. The Seller shall be entitled to amend the terms and conditions of any promotions as well as cancel them unilaterally without any separate notification thereof. Any amendment to the terms and conditions of promotions or any cancellation thereof shall only have a prospective effect, i.e. from the moment it has been carried out onwards.
10.3. The Seller shall send all messages using the means of contact provided in the Buyer's registration form.
10.4. The Buyer shall direct all messages and queries at the telephone numbers and email addresses specified on the Contacts section of the Seller's online shop.
10.5. The Seller shall not be liable should the Buyer not receive any information or confirmation messages due to any malfunctions of internet connection or any networks of email service providers.


11. Final Provisions.
11.1. The following Regulations for the Sale and Purchase of Goods have been concluded under the laws and legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.
11.2. All disagreements arising in connection with the performance of the present Regulations shall be resolved by negotiations. In case of any failure to come to an agreement, the disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure set forth by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.